A Passive Income Website For Sale making over $30,000 per year
I have always loved the idea of buying myself passive income. Not having to rely on a job, or a boss or a company for all my security, but actually taking control of my own destiny. I realised as soon as I quit my first and only full-time job, if I wanted to be wealthy and feel secure I needed to have a range of skills and ways of making money, so no matter what happened I would always have at least one stream of income flowing in.
That’s how we came to discover the strategy of buying websites for passive income. This was our way to buy high income-producing digital assets in the worlds biggest booming marketplace.
The concept is actually quite simple and because of our background in buying and selling traditional bricks and mortar businesses, we often like to compare the two because with traditional businesses and franchises there is typically a lot of money needed to get into these plus, not only that, it can take a lot of time before you start seeing an actual income from a traditional business.
Today, Matt and I explore the possibility of being able to buy a website for passive income compared with buying a traditional bricks and mortar business.
How Buying Websites For Passive Income Compares To A Franchise…
Liz Raad: We have a good question for you today What if you could just buy $30,000 worth of income instantly?
Matt Raad: And that income comes from doing just a bit of part time work in the evenings and weekend?
Liz: So, what we want to talk about is a passive income website that is for sale now at the moment on Flippa.com. This is a website that makes $31,920 a year. And it’s currently listed for $52,000. So, when you think about that, you’re buying yourself an income for $50,000.
We often talk about this and think about when people buy franchises for $500,000, or more.
Matt: And with the franchise, people are working seven days a week, and then they have major hassles when they come to sell them (depending on the franchise).
Liz: But here we are, we have a website listed $50,000.
A Possible Alternative Strategy To Buying Traditional Businesses…
Matt: So hypothetically speaking, instead of spending $500,000 on a franchise, you could park your $450,000 off to the side to live off. You could then spend just $50,000 on passive website like this one for sale on Flippa now, make $30,000 income straight away, then learn how to double this (which is what our graduates learn how to do with simple website renovations) – now you’re looking at potentially $60,000 per year income, which is a nice income.
Liz: So that’s what we do. We look for opportunities. These are opportunities that a lot of people don’t even realize exist and it’s worth opening your mind to a whole new way that people are making money in this digital economy. It’s not just about making money with your own business and building big traditional businesses etc. We actually short-cut all that and just buy passive websites for instant income and much lower buy in price.
So, it’s definitely worth looking into this as an alternative strategy to buying traditional businesses or franchises and as another way which you could set yourself up with some different passive income streams going forward into the digital future.